Sunday, February 13, 2011

We Could Send 'Em to Wallowa: A Response

We Could Send 'Em to Wallowa: A Response

Hah... everybody knows
.. the big draw in this valley
.... is the artsi-fartsi village
...... at the end of the road...

Replete with all the accomodations
.. breweries, distilleries, soon a winery,
.... lots of artsi-fartsi galleries,
...... no end of devices to fleece the pilgrims

Crank out that pony dray,
.. dust off your footman,
.... hang a shingle 'round yer neck
...... and jingle those coins!!

Instead of re-enacting a shoot-out
.. at the old bank of "Dewey, Cheatem and Howe"
.... you could rent out soap-boxes
...... to shirtless cowboy poets...
