.yep... a really great tourista draw . . .
for the artsi-fartsi village at the end of the road
soap-boxes for rent on divers street-corners
for shirtless cowboys spouting poetry
or bully pulpits for righteous wolf-baiters
perhaps a bit of street theater with free muffins on the side
what better place to find a local county commissioner
or under-employed military retirees
dipping deeply into the public coffers . . .
perhaps there's even some local union
suitable for bashing for all our local ills
and of course we can always hang a few effigies
life is good in this far-away place
where there are more elk than people
and the cattle out-number everything else put together
just check our stream bottoms
and the picturesque canyons and plateaus
scoured and plowed by private interests
r.anderson 9Mar2011