good science like good religion is –
whoa, now there’s anathema!
so let’s talk good politics instead.
wait, wait, I foresee a bar fight there!
even weather is hardly a safe topic
in country ripe for haymakers.
so thinking smaller: yet “are you well?”
and “oh fine” are symptomatic
of larger ills – distrust, fear, wanting
to be liked. so here’s a likely choice:
say nothing. or say, “has anyone
made up some good gossip for today?”
whoa, now there’s anathema!
so let’s talk good politics instead.
wait, wait, I foresee a bar fight there!
even weather is hardly a safe topic
in country ripe for haymakers.
so thinking smaller: yet “are you well?”
and “oh fine” are symptomatic
of larger ills – distrust, fear, wanting
to be liked. so here’s a likely choice:
say nothing. or say, “has anyone
made up some good gossip for today?”