Is it inimical idiosyncracy
.. that small towns harbor idiots?
....How then... does it happen
...... that places in deep dark canyons
attract the most idiot-synchronicity?
I know a canyon, once home
.. to a peaceful folk that were able
.... to make a living and cohabitate
.... with wolves and bears and really wild things.
'Til civilization found them.
Preachers and parsons
.. with their swine and kine and lust and greed
.... incited and invoked until it took an army
..... to drive the peaceful people out...
and the civilized folk got rich on what they left.
Ahhh but in such a deep and darkened place
.. who knows what perversions portended
.... for surely what lay within... lurked without,
...... all these years of cleansing the ground
of savages and beasts and anything wild...
It is such a beautiful place that the echoes
.. of wildness was valued by society at large
.... and the halls of congress were drawn
..... to secure forever, some state of stasis
for such godly folk that still lurked there.
But yeah... and nay, they shall not go
.. peacefully into any semblance of the night
.... when evil can be conceived...
...... in the hands that have secured their rights.
Guvmint and its minions... conservationists!!
The wolves have been loosed, again
.. and the most fearsome are not the four-footed
.... but those that lurk in the minds
...... of what once were men... and infernal terrorists
from neighboring states incite... insurrection!
Let there be no doubts...
.. life in such deep and darkened canyons,
.... where the sun rarely shines in the course of winter
...... is a frightful thing to behold...
for such inhabitants have a right... to lash out wildly.
It is not a healthy thing to stand in the way
.. of folk from such a place... short of light and sight
.... and imbued with "the right.." and armed accordingly
...... if no real target exists... we can invoke phantoms
and give them names of convenience!
r.anderson 4Mar2011