Wallowa mid-winter . . .
Canada geese that were happy as clams
.. two weeks ago, when the snow melted off
.... green grass hidden for the last month,
...... are now unhappy that the grass has frozen brown.
Redtails... that got really hungry in the deep snow
.. and long cold, are happier now to find voles
.... and gophers uncovered by the melt. Now
...... a little sun stirs them to nest building.
Magpies seem pleased enough for deer
.. continue to commit suicide along the roads.
.... Ravens are on extended patrols for
...... food and snow-melt revealed caches.
Ahhh, and the eurasian collared doves
.. relish any suggestions of sun and mild temperatures
..... to vocally intimidate the mourning doves
...... claiming nesting territories.
European starlings... are starting to pair off
.. and explore every hole as a possible
.... nesting location. Watch for them in open
...... stovepipes, chimneys and outhouse vents.
I keep checking my favorite flat rocks
.. for warming temperatures and stray skinks,
.... longing for the chance to address
...... my suntan lines and vitamin D deficiencies.
--r.anderson 9Feb2011