unseen gifts . . .
A feather floats on a passing zephyr
.. and my eye is caught, as hard-wired
.... as any bobcat or cougar . . .
I glance quickly along the rims
.. looking for the passing contributor
.... or coyote or bear on the trail.
My ear cocks to the breeze
.. searching still for the physical presence
.... in a vain attempt to attach significance.
Yet... it is the unseen that envelopes,
.. not even the distant croak of nutcracker
.... or jay or the bluebird of happiness.
Curiosity is a demanding task-master
.. and I yield slowly to simply absorbing
.... a sense of place and unseen presence.
Landing slowly, at my feet . . .
.. this feather is black, a glossy sheen,
.... and Raven . . . croaks in the distance.
--r.anderson 1Feb2011